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Alistair Evans & Chris Wilbraham | Lands End to John O'Groats

Alistair Evans & Chris Wilbraham | Lands End to John O'Groats

Will Affleck27 Jun - 10:48
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Alistair Evans and Chris Wilbraham have cycled from Lands End to John O'Groats for Paul Kelly & Myeloma UK. #buryrugbyfamily

Congratulations to Alistair Evans, former first team captain, and Chris Wilbraham, former first team scrum half and long-time club fixture secretary, on completing a mammoth bike ride to raise money for Myeloma UK.

From Chris Wilbraham -

"Me and Ali Evans, with whom I shared a rugby pitch many times for Bury Rugby Club since 1992, are cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats, starting on Friday 14th June and, hopefully, finishing on Wednesday 26th after 13 days in the saddle.

Apart from wanting to prove that our 60 year old bodies are still capable of taking on ridiculous challenges, we are doing this to raise money for Myeloma UK.

Phil Kelly is the reason for this.

On Wednesday 3rd October 1983, Phil was the first person I spoke to at Aston University.

We have been friends ever since.

In 2006 he was diagnosed with Myeloma and given 5 years to live.

Thanks to continuing advances in treatment for Myeloma Phil is still with with us, although sadly not well enough to take up his planned role as support driver.

Instead he is enduring more chemotherapy, while we arrange to cycle unsupported, carrying what luggage we can’t leave at home for the 1100 mile journey.

We pay for trains, accommodation and food ourselves.

Any money you give goes to Myeloma UK.

Please give generously.

We will have earned your support."

Alistair and Chris finished this monumental feat on Wednesday having covered around 900 miles in 12 days - with no rest days, in what was quite simply an awesome display of determination, grit and friendship.

Now, we are calling upon the #buryrugbyfamily to help support this effort and donate to Myeloma research. You can support Chris or Ali's fundraising efforts via either of the links below. Please dig deep to reward these efforts, to help fight this disease and 3 of our own.

Chris Wilbraham's Just Giving Page
Alistair Evans' Just Giving Page

Further reading